Saturday, December 25, 2010

The True Meaning of Christmas, Year 3

I've thought for days about what article I'd write this year about the true meaning of Christmas and I've tried not to look at previous years, or the memory of them, so that I'd take a fresh look at what it means to me this year. This may make me repeat myself. (Smile implied)

I'm perfectly content that this day is really about family, Christ, and it is representative of the Savior's birth. Our Savior's birth. Still, no one has yet written in about their feelings on the true meaning of Christmas, so I cannot quote, but as people have told me their reaction, they start to ponder. They try to come up with something about the true meaning of Christmas, but I think they real reason they pause, is not that their minds are empty of thought, but that their hearts are full of feeling. They've talked about wanting the Spirit of Christmas go with them all through the year, and this is, too, what I have most reflected on. It can't go through the whole year, or we wouldn't know the value of it year after year, but writing and re-editing this website often months after the original publish date, gets the feeling of the true meaning of Christmas to carry a little further for me.

We Celebrate Christ's birth. A birth of a great king from the line of David. The birth of the promised who who shall rule them all, be master of life and death, and of he who would ultimately be our Savior.

This Eternal Promise which Heavenly Father sent us in the form of a boy with an impossible pedigree. A virgin mother bore our the Savior of the world to us? But we know that Christ was a son to no other than God the Father, both subject to the temptations of this world and the power of his Father, our Father in Heaven to also be a member of the God head.

Christ formed the world at Heavenly Father's direction long before he'd come down to be born and live a sinless life that he could suffer for our sins. The only way we can suffer for our own sins doesn't lend to us getting to Heaven. We had to have a clean sacrifice of someone who was perfect, and able to do what we could never do for ourselves, without sacrificing our chance to go to Heaven.

12/25/2015 update:
While we do celebrate Christ's birth I believe His greatest value now is in his new life, or as the Living Christ.